Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Paris, the Trojan Prince

Paris, the Trojan Prince Before there was a celebrity named Paris or a city of lights sharing the name (see II), there was another famous Paris connected with the most famous war in history. Paris (Alexandros/Alexander) was the son of King Priam of Troy and Queen Hecuba. Hecuba had a dream about the great trouble her unborn child would cause, so when Paris was born, instead of raising him, she ordered him exposed on Mt. Ida. Normally exposure of an infant meant death, but Paris was lucky. He was suckled by a she-bear, then raised to adulthood by a shepherd. (If this sounds familiar, it should. In Romes founding legend, the twins Romulus and Remus were suckled by a wild she-wolf, and then raised by a shepherd.) Discord, in an act worthy of her name, gave a golden apple to the most beautiful goddess, but neglected to name her. She left that choice to the goddesses, but they couldnt decide among themselves. When they couldnt prevail upon Zeus to decide who was most beautiful, they turned to Paris. The 3 goddesses vying for the honor were Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite. Each goddess offered something of great value as a bribe to make Paris name her as the most beautiful. Paris might have made his choice based on looks, but he chose the ​beauty goddess Aphrodite for her bribe. She rewarded him by making the most beautiful mortal, Helen, wife of Menelaus, fall in love with him. Paris then abducted Helen and took her to Troy, thereby starting the Trojan War. Death of Paris In the war, Paris (Achilles killer) was fatally wounded by one of Hercules arrows. Ptolemy Hephaestion (Ptolemaeus Chennus) says Menelaus killed Paris. Philoctetes died bitten by a serpent and Alexander was killed by Menelaus with a blow of the spear in his thigh.Photius (9th century Byzantine patriarch) Bibliotheca - Epitome of Ptolemy Hephaestion

Saturday, November 23, 2019

stealing of music is it legit essays

stealing of music is it legit essays Laws are partly formed for the sake of good men, in order to instruct them how they may live on friendly terms with one another, and partly for the sake of those who refuse to be instructed, whose spirit cannot be subdued, or softened, or hindered from plunging into evil. (Plato 427 BC - 347 BC). Music sharing has become the hottest, most popular thing now-a-days for teens and college students across the nation. This idea is now caught in between a war of lawyers, record companies, and courts. Music companies are independent companies charging for music and creating law-suits against anyone stealing music. Online sharing is an excellent way to preview music before one would decide to buy it because if there arent any songs that arent liked by the listener then they would decide to buy the single and not waste money buying a whole album of an artist that they wouldnt like. But that idea is frowned upon by the music industry. One may ask why, because of online music sharing services such as Napster or Kazaa. People that use Napster think that downloading music is a way of sharing. People get things for free by sharing all the time. Ever since the advent of tape recorders, copy machines, and VCRs, people have been doing it, and sharing their copies with others. The users of Napster say there are many reasons to use Napster. The accessibility of Napster is very easy. Most songs are even available before they come out in stores. Many of the people that download music are testing music, and buying it later. Downloading a song takes about an average of 4 minutes on a regular computer. There are many other things to do besides download music. People also use Napster for many other things besides downloading music; they use it for things such as chatting to people who have the same interest in music as them and downloading software and games. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

EconomicsSupply Chain Market conditions in Azerbaijan and how it Research Proposal

EconomicsSupply Chain Market conditions in Azerbaijan and how it affects ability to get and pay labor - Research Proposal Example (Maharramov, 2003). Recently, Azerbaijan has witnessed solid economic growth over the last 5 years. This growth has been driven by domestic demand including non-oil private investments, public investments, government expenditures, consumption expenditures or households and oil exports. Real GDP has also witnessed tremendous growth owing to growth in the non-tradables sectors including transportation, construction, and public utilities. The capacity constraints however did not enable the supply to grow as rapidly as demand leading to inflationary pressures. The objective of this paper is to provide a discussion of the labour cost drivers, labour demand drivers, and labour supply drivers in Azerbaijan. According to macroeconomic theory the wage rate usually depends on the price level. The higher the price level the higher will be the real wage rate demanded by workers. Azerbaijan is currently suffering from high rates of unemployment. As a result the wage rates are very low. According to the Human Development and Central Unit (HDCU) and European and Central Asia Region (ECAR) (2005) a vast majority of people in the city of Mingachevir an Industrial city have become redundant as a result of lack of demand for products, which has culminated in production stoppage, bankruptcy, liquidation and corporate restructurings. This has driven the wage rates to very low levels. Based on this one can say that a major determinant of labour cost on Azerbaijan is the demand. The demand for labour in Azerbaijan is currently very low and as such people are willing to supply labour at very low wage rates. The survey by the ECAR and HDCU (2005) suggests that only 3% of the unemployed left their job vo luntarily. While some workers are not being paid at all, there is also a high degree of wage arrears.s In 2001 exports accounted for 44% of GDP in Azerbaijan with hydrocarbon products being the dominant export activities, contributing to 91.5% of total exports in 2001. The remaining share of exports consists of raw and processed food products, mechanical equipment and chemical product. (Navaretti, 2003). The largest share of imports is made of machinery for the oil industry, food products, other mechanical equipment and luxury consumer goods for the high-income part of the population. Many of the country's traditional products in the domestic market have been replaced by imports because they are unable to withstand the competition of import products. (Navaretti, 2003). Figure 1 below shows that the real wages have taken a downward trend since 2005 to record low levels over the period 2001 to 2006. The figure also indicates that the non-oil sector is lagging behind. Since imports have become higher than exports, it is likely that the country is witnessing slow growth in aggregate demand, which in turn leads to a slow down in the growth in real GDP. This in turn creates a recessionary gap, high unemployment rate and therefore low wage rates. (CFA, 2008). From the foregoing one can therefore rightly say that the wage rate in Azerbaijan depends on the growth in Aggregate demand which has a multiplier effect on the price level, real GDP growth, and therefore wage rates. Figure 1 3. Labour Demand Drivers in Azerbaijan Macroeconomic theory posits that the demand for labour depends on three factors. These include the price of the firm's output, other factors and technology. The higher the price of the